Thursday 15 December 2016



Hi, friends. How are you ? I hope all is fine. post this week, I will give a recommendation or advice when friends all want to visit or vacation in municipal Sambas. first when friends visit Sambas, do not forget to visit the palace of Sambas. because friends can see relics of historical relics in the palace.
second, I suggest to the beach both Temajuk, Temajuk Beach Village is located in the District Temajuk Paloh, District Sambas. know beach Temajuk now more easily accessed though a bit extreme but still many people flocked to see the beauty of the beach Temajuk because it is very satisfying for people who traveled on there, and more interesting regions bordering the Gulf Temajuk Melano, Malaysia. Temajuk beach has been included in "wonderful Indonesia". the beach there is very clean and friendly hospitable people will make you feel at home. unspoiled beaches and no pollution such as waste in general. awareness in maintaining the very need to be maintained to keep the beaches to keep them clean and good in view.
But the interesting thing is the villa founded by the government of Sambas district with residents about very interesting is the shape and very strategic place to enjoy the Beautiful Beaches of this Temajuk. Let's see the snap-snap of a picture of one of instagram account of West Kalimantan. Villa is named Villa Kelapa Dua.
Do not forget also if you visit a typical food tasting sambas.Suku Sambas Malay Sambas in West Kalimantan, has featured a spicy culinary tourists should be sampled. This is the Spicy Porridge Sambas, formerly spicy porridge is served in the kingdom, and a reflection of the strong culture in Malay kingdom Deli. Spicy porridge made from finely ground rice dioseng and rich in spices and vegetables, do not be surprised if this is rated a nutritious porridge. Vegetables such as kale, ferns, leaves kesum be a healthy mix. Not to mention the alloy plus fried peanuts fried dried anchovies add flavor.
so it was only last post this semester, and travel that I can recommend to friends who will visit Sambas. I Ghufron Mubarok if there is a mistake drafting the word and the wrong word sorry.


Saturday 10 December 2016


      Assalamulaikaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
       Meet again with me Ghufron Mubarok soil science department.
      As always friends, I will share my own essay writing. Never get bored with what I write. Previously, how are you all? I hope you are healthy and always lanacar sustenance. Of the circumference is not clear just passable ya friends. This time I will discuss choosing one food in the world. If I am in order to choose the food on this earth I would choose satay. You all surely know satay, foods that are made from small pieces of meat skewered such a way as to puncture the bone sticks or bamboo palm leaves and then baked using wood charcoal.
      Sate served with a variety of spices that depend on a variety of satay recipe. The meat is used as skewers include chicken, goat, sheep, cows, pigs, rabbits, horses, and others. Food archipelago which was legendary from ancient times to the present. Satay is a very popular food heritage of the ancestors. Because satay was very tasty and well suited to the tongue of the archipelago.
      Satay fans and lovers already can not be calculated. People overseas vacation to Indonesia love the satay. Nutrients in the sate has been completed from carbohydrates, proteins and others. Sate very popular dish in Indonesia; with various tribes and traditions of the art of cooking (see Indonesian cuisine) has produced various types of satay. In Indonesia, satay skewers can be obtained from the roving vendors, hawkers at roadside stalls, up at an upscale restaurant, and often served in parties and feast. Recipes and how to manufacture diverse satay dependent variations and recipes of each region. Almost any kind of meat can be made satay. As a satay origin country, Indonesia has a rich variety of satay recipe.

      Perhaps so many friends of my writing this time, next time do not forget to stop by my blog. I say thank you.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Online Information Debate


Parwanto                   (C1051161037)
Leonardus Kiki           (C1051161085)
Ghufron Mubarok     (C1051161077)
Hamdan                      (C1051161001)

1.    GhufronMubarok: What website do you use to find information?
Hamdan: website that I use is google.
Leonardus Kiki: I also use google.
GhufronMubarok: wich are best?
Leonardus Kiki: Yes, it was the best of the web.
Parwanto: why
Hamdan: Because the Google website was very full compared to the others and is very easy to search for information across the world.

2.      Leonardus Kiki: does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites?
GhufronMubarok: When accessing our website there are no restrictions in using the site to look for positive information
Parwanto: As long as they do not lead to negative things as pornography
GhufronMubarok: Yes I agree with you.

3.    Hamdan: What are the differences between online information and information from libraris or encyclopedias?
Parwanto: if you ask me if the information online that information sometimes does not match and the source is also unclear, if the library that information surely accountability can be responsible for the existing name of the author or authors, year of publication, the title is clear, the city of the publication is also clear and firm or the agency clearly published in the areas.
GhufronMubarok: and also if the information online is not necessarily true because people can upload whatever information they want whether it is true or just for the thrill.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Letter My Self and My 10-years Later Self

Assalamualaikum warahmatulllahiwabarakatuh 
My name Ghufron Mubarok, I have a duty as usual ie posting weekly assignments. This time my job is a message for me now and 10 years to come. You all must have a message and ideals weeks to the fore not? Better than my story is not clear where the front and which end so I just, a message to me now are:

1.      Must be diligent in doing the commands of Allah
2.      Must be more mature and more self-sufficient
3.      Do not be lazy in college and stay on task given what the lecturer
4.      Quickly in completing perkuliahaan 3.5 years
5.      Learning diligent
And the message for 10 years to come are:
1.      Finish S3
2.      Business Has sediri and creating jobs
3.      Berakat Hajj to the holy land Mecca MOTHER
4.      Having your own home and have a car
5.       The work that remains and prosperous

Maybe it was just a message that is not so excessive. I Ghufron asked for prayers from all of you in order to materialize the messages what I make for myself. Do not give up in the face of an obstacle and hindrance. amen I say thank you love, wassalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

Monday 14 November 2016

Resume Magazine

Title magazine: WHY YOUNG MEN ARE FALLING behaind
Year of issue: March / April 2016, Volume 49, No. 2
A multitasking Molecule
Hormone Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally present in our body, it is produced in the body by the pineal gland and is also produced in the digestive tract. The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland that is located right in the middle of the brain. However, Melatonin is also made synthetically in the laboratory and used as drugs. The use of melatonin medication is usually given in pill form, but melatonin is also available in a form that can be placed in the cheek or under the tongue. This method is more allows melatonin to be absorbed directly into the body. Milatonin, as already described, it can be produced by the body and can be obtained by synthetic means. However, there are some foods that are known to contain melatonin. Such foods include including tomatoes, grape skin, tart cherries and walnuts. In addition, melatonin can also be found in olive oil, wine and even bir.Hormon milatonin known as hormones that are helpful in overcoming sleep problems. This is evidenced by studies showing that the hormone melatonin can help a child sleep insomnia associated with autism, mental retardation, and other central nervous system disorders. Not only that, melatonin is also shown to be effective in regulating the sleep cycle in blind people. If terlau work nights and sleep too late then intending to damage the hormone melatonin melatonim.hormon will work at night and make your sleep more restful and beautiful. In addition to helping solve problems sleeping, melatonin is also proven to help in overcoming tumor cancer drug and reduce the side effects of the drug. Not only that, melatonin also may be able to reduce the growth of breast cancer cells metastatic and non-metastatic slowly.
The hormone melatonin is also mentioned as useful in treating migraine and other headache fibromyalgia, the symptoms of menopause, osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome or tinnitus.
Vocabulary :

Dubbed : Dijuluki

Role : Peran

Induces : Menginduksi

Gland : Kelenjar

Cerebral : Otak

Counters : counter

Spinal : Tulang belakang

Fluid : Cairan

Alleviate : Meringankan

Targeting : Penargetan

Restores : Mengembalikan

Suggest : Menyarankan

Drops : Tetes

Multifaceted : Beraneka segi
Secretion: Keluarnya

Synchronized : Disinkronkan

Such : Seperti itu

May : Mungkin

Says : Mengatakan

Karaoke song of choice and whay

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
My name Ghufron Mubarok, Soil Science Department Faculty of Agriculture. I was given the task by the English lecturer to select a song karoke I choose and what the reason was. So the song I chose was the song of the soloist is entitled Once GENERATION. Why? In addition to the lyrics and the music is nice and comforting, this song also implies that one must always always pursue and explore the world and keep going to know the world that remain hidden because of our limitations as human beings. Always looking for information and explore questions in our minds about the world to get the answers we want. Skip stumbling blocks and keep going forward to bring this nation, because it is our young people who will turn into a good direction or vice versa. Do not be easily satisfied with the results that we can be but are always grateful to God that which is most important. Dig science with outstanding questions and always come up with ideas that are outstanding. Enforce your eyes to the door of success, in a good way you will be successful.
Do not be ashamed of themselves and do not want to be someone else. Yourself will bring you and this country to the door of real freedom.
So, it's the reason why I chose a song from Once GENERATION. Thus, if there is any writing or drafting or not pleasing to apologize as big as possible.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Saturday 12 November 2016


Hello all, my name Ghufron Mubarok introduce my students Untan soil sciences. In West Kalimantan there are many tourist attractions that often people visit as long sand, tantung Bajau, turtle beach, island lemukutan, Temajuk, the equator monument and many more. These attractions will be filled with visitors when such a new year, school holidays, Eid. I suggest if you want to visit these places but the objec that is not crowded or full then do not choose a time that I gave above. For example, would take a great family holiday then you should be able to choose the right time to visited. For the problem of where to stay, you do not worry there is no place to stay as hotels, home stay and others. If your money is not too thick, do not worry, because here the inn is very affordable and does not drain your wallet all.

So I was very pleased when to travel a quiet place not too urgent insistence and will make us uncomfortable or bad mood. Shopping is a favorite or sand pleased that long, why because the new long sand beach I've visited. Other attractions and yet I have never visited. Definitely one day I will travel the world to visit the most beautiful sights and I would invite my family. I am also committed to want to have the tourist attractions and the island itself. Maybe so streaks of ink from me, if there is one in typing the word and I apologize language.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Grammar: Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English

Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English

Exercise 1. Verbs Instructions: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1. _B__ Obliterate (menghapuskan/menghilangkan)
2. _C__ Severed (memotong)
3. _M__ Conceive (menyusun)
4. _E__ Tolerate (sabar menghadapi)
5. __K_ Ingest (mencernakan)
6. _D__ Pacify (menenangkan)
7. _A__ Calibrate (menyesuaikan)
8. _F__ Magnify (membesarkan)
9. _G_ Incentivize (pendorong/dorongan)
10. _N__ Speculate (memikirkan/spekulasi)
11. _H__ Levitate (mengapung)
12. _O__ Illustrate(menghiasi/menjelaskan)
13. _J__ Elucidate (membentankan/menghambat)
14. _L__ Impede (menghalangi)
15. _I__ Advocate (membela)

SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
 A. Adjust(mengatur/menyusun)
 B. Destroyed (membatalkan.hancur)
C. Cut (memotong)
D. Calm (down) (tenang/menenangkan)
E. Allow (diperbolehkan /mengizinkan)
F. Enlarge(memeperluas)
G. Support (mendukung)
H. Float(mengapung)
 I. Motivate (memotifasi)
J. Clarify (klarifikasi)
K. Consume(konsumsi)
 L. Interfere(mencampuri)
 M. Create (menciptakan)
N. Theorize (teori)
O. Exemplify(memberi contoh)
Exercise 2. Adverbs Instructions: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1. _A__ Methodically (sesuia metode)
2. _N__ Begrudgingly (menyesuaikan)
3. _D__ Amicably (secara damai)
4. _C__ Fiercely (dengan ganas)
5. _K__ Unintelligibly (tidak dapat dipahami)
6. _I__ Sporadically (dengan sporadis/sekali)
7. __L_ Unequivocally (dengan tegas)
8. _G__ Zealously (dengan rajin)
9. _H__ Laboriously (dengan susah payah)
10. _M__ Earnestly (jelas/sungguh sungguh
11. __L_ Indisputably (tidak dapat disangka)
12. _J__ Definitively (dengan pasti)
13. _B__ Faintly (lemah)
14. _E__ Discreetly (denganhati hati)

SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A. Systematically (secara sitematis)
B. Weakly(lemah)
 C. Severely(sungguh)
 D. Quietly (diam-diam)
E. Privately (pribadi)
F. Intently (sungguh-sungguh/tekun)
G. Eagerly(dengan tak sabar)
 H. Painfully (mengakibatkan)
I. Occasionally(ada kalanya/kadang-kadang)
 J. Absolutely (tentu saja/benar/pasti)
K. Unclearly (belum selesai/tidak jelas)
L. Indisputably(tidak terbantahkan)
 M. Decisively(dengan jelas)
 N. Resentfully(marah)

Match the words or phrases from the article with their definitions.

1. Broken home (c)
2. To snap at someone (h)
3. To lose touch (e)
4. To snap out of it (b)
5. To cope (d)
6. Blue (i)
7. Help line (f)
8. Self-injury problems(a)
9. Counselor (g)

a. harm that you do to yourself deliberately
b. to recover quickly
c. a family where the parents have separated
d. to deal successfully with a situation
e. to lose contact
f. a telephone advice service
g. a person professionally trained to talk to people about their
h. to speak to someone angrily
i. Unhappy (informal)

2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false? (Circle 'T' for true and an 'F' for false next to each sentence.)
1. Teenagers don't want to become adults. T / F
2. Teenagers often don’t know how to get helps with their depression. T / F
3. Other people are usually the first to see that you are depressed.T / F
4. A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. T / F
5. It is easy to recover quickly from serious depression. T / F
6. Talking to a person who is depressed is a good way to help. T / F
7. Telephone help lines are a private way to talk about your problems. T / F
8. Anyone can be counselor. T / F

9. Everyone feels miserable sometimes. T / F