Saturday 15 October 2016

Grammar: Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English

Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English

Exercise 1. Verbs Instructions: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1. _B__ Obliterate (menghapuskan/menghilangkan)
2. _C__ Severed (memotong)
3. _M__ Conceive (menyusun)
4. _E__ Tolerate (sabar menghadapi)
5. __K_ Ingest (mencernakan)
6. _D__ Pacify (menenangkan)
7. _A__ Calibrate (menyesuaikan)
8. _F__ Magnify (membesarkan)
9. _G_ Incentivize (pendorong/dorongan)
10. _N__ Speculate (memikirkan/spekulasi)
11. _H__ Levitate (mengapung)
12. _O__ Illustrate(menghiasi/menjelaskan)
13. _J__ Elucidate (membentankan/menghambat)
14. _L__ Impede (menghalangi)
15. _I__ Advocate (membela)

SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
 A. Adjust(mengatur/menyusun)
 B. Destroyed (membatalkan.hancur)
C. Cut (memotong)
D. Calm (down) (tenang/menenangkan)
E. Allow (diperbolehkan /mengizinkan)
F. Enlarge(memeperluas)
G. Support (mendukung)
H. Float(mengapung)
 I. Motivate (memotifasi)
J. Clarify (klarifikasi)
K. Consume(konsumsi)
 L. Interfere(mencampuri)
 M. Create (menciptakan)
N. Theorize (teori)
O. Exemplify(memberi contoh)
Exercise 2. Adverbs Instructions: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1. _A__ Methodically (sesuia metode)
2. _N__ Begrudgingly (menyesuaikan)
3. _D__ Amicably (secara damai)
4. _C__ Fiercely (dengan ganas)
5. _K__ Unintelligibly (tidak dapat dipahami)
6. _I__ Sporadically (dengan sporadis/sekali)
7. __L_ Unequivocally (dengan tegas)
8. _G__ Zealously (dengan rajin)
9. _H__ Laboriously (dengan susah payah)
10. _M__ Earnestly (jelas/sungguh sungguh
11. __L_ Indisputably (tidak dapat disangka)
12. _J__ Definitively (dengan pasti)
13. _B__ Faintly (lemah)
14. _E__ Discreetly (denganhati hati)

SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A. Systematically (secara sitematis)
B. Weakly(lemah)
 C. Severely(sungguh)
 D. Quietly (diam-diam)
E. Privately (pribadi)
F. Intently (sungguh-sungguh/tekun)
G. Eagerly(dengan tak sabar)
 H. Painfully (mengakibatkan)
I. Occasionally(ada kalanya/kadang-kadang)
 J. Absolutely (tentu saja/benar/pasti)
K. Unclearly (belum selesai/tidak jelas)
L. Indisputably(tidak terbantahkan)
 M. Decisively(dengan jelas)
 N. Resentfully(marah)

Match the words or phrases from the article with their definitions.

1. Broken home (c)
2. To snap at someone (h)
3. To lose touch (e)
4. To snap out of it (b)
5. To cope (d)
6. Blue (i)
7. Help line (f)
8. Self-injury problems(a)
9. Counselor (g)

a. harm that you do to yourself deliberately
b. to recover quickly
c. a family where the parents have separated
d. to deal successfully with a situation
e. to lose contact
f. a telephone advice service
g. a person professionally trained to talk to people about their
h. to speak to someone angrily
i. Unhappy (informal)

2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false? (Circle 'T' for true and an 'F' for false next to each sentence.)
1. Teenagers don't want to become adults. T / F
2. Teenagers often don’t know how to get helps with their depression. T / F
3. Other people are usually the first to see that you are depressed.T / F
4. A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. T / F
5. It is easy to recover quickly from serious depression. T / F
6. Talking to a person who is depressed is a good way to help. T / F
7. Telephone help lines are a private way to talk about your problems. T / F
8. Anyone can be counselor. T / F

9. Everyone feels miserable sometimes. T / F

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