Monday 14 November 2016

Karaoke song of choice and whay

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh
My name Ghufron Mubarok, Soil Science Department Faculty of Agriculture. I was given the task by the English lecturer to select a song karoke I choose and what the reason was. So the song I chose was the song of the soloist is entitled Once GENERATION. Why? In addition to the lyrics and the music is nice and comforting, this song also implies that one must always always pursue and explore the world and keep going to know the world that remain hidden because of our limitations as human beings. Always looking for information and explore questions in our minds about the world to get the answers we want. Skip stumbling blocks and keep going forward to bring this nation, because it is our young people who will turn into a good direction or vice versa. Do not be easily satisfied with the results that we can be but are always grateful to God that which is most important. Dig science with outstanding questions and always come up with ideas that are outstanding. Enforce your eyes to the door of success, in a good way you will be successful.
Do not be ashamed of themselves and do not want to be someone else. Yourself will bring you and this country to the door of real freedom.
So, it's the reason why I chose a song from Once GENERATION. Thus, if there is any writing or drafting or not pleasing to apologize as big as possible.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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