Monday 14 November 2016

Resume Magazine

Title magazine: WHY YOUNG MEN ARE FALLING behaind
Year of issue: March / April 2016, Volume 49, No. 2
A multitasking Molecule
Hormone Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally present in our body, it is produced in the body by the pineal gland and is also produced in the digestive tract. The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland that is located right in the middle of the brain. However, Melatonin is also made synthetically in the laboratory and used as drugs. The use of melatonin medication is usually given in pill form, but melatonin is also available in a form that can be placed in the cheek or under the tongue. This method is more allows melatonin to be absorbed directly into the body. Milatonin, as already described, it can be produced by the body and can be obtained by synthetic means. However, there are some foods that are known to contain melatonin. Such foods include including tomatoes, grape skin, tart cherries and walnuts. In addition, melatonin can also be found in olive oil, wine and even bir.Hormon milatonin known as hormones that are helpful in overcoming sleep problems. This is evidenced by studies showing that the hormone melatonin can help a child sleep insomnia associated with autism, mental retardation, and other central nervous system disorders. Not only that, melatonin is also shown to be effective in regulating the sleep cycle in blind people. If terlau work nights and sleep too late then intending to damage the hormone melatonin melatonim.hormon will work at night and make your sleep more restful and beautiful. In addition to helping solve problems sleeping, melatonin is also proven to help in overcoming tumor cancer drug and reduce the side effects of the drug. Not only that, melatonin also may be able to reduce the growth of breast cancer cells metastatic and non-metastatic slowly.
The hormone melatonin is also mentioned as useful in treating migraine and other headache fibromyalgia, the symptoms of menopause, osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome or tinnitus.
Vocabulary :

Dubbed : Dijuluki

Role : Peran

Induces : Menginduksi

Gland : Kelenjar

Cerebral : Otak

Counters : counter

Spinal : Tulang belakang

Fluid : Cairan

Alleviate : Meringankan

Targeting : Penargetan

Restores : Mengembalikan

Suggest : Menyarankan

Drops : Tetes

Multifaceted : Beraneka segi
Secretion: Keluarnya

Synchronized : Disinkronkan

Such : Seperti itu

May : Mungkin

Says : Mengatakan

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