Thursday 15 December 2016



Hi, friends. How are you ? I hope all is fine. post this week, I will give a recommendation or advice when friends all want to visit or vacation in municipal Sambas. first when friends visit Sambas, do not forget to visit the palace of Sambas. because friends can see relics of historical relics in the palace.
second, I suggest to the beach both Temajuk, Temajuk Beach Village is located in the District Temajuk Paloh, District Sambas. know beach Temajuk now more easily accessed though a bit extreme but still many people flocked to see the beauty of the beach Temajuk because it is very satisfying for people who traveled on there, and more interesting regions bordering the Gulf Temajuk Melano, Malaysia. Temajuk beach has been included in "wonderful Indonesia". the beach there is very clean and friendly hospitable people will make you feel at home. unspoiled beaches and no pollution such as waste in general. awareness in maintaining the very need to be maintained to keep the beaches to keep them clean and good in view.
But the interesting thing is the villa founded by the government of Sambas district with residents about very interesting is the shape and very strategic place to enjoy the Beautiful Beaches of this Temajuk. Let's see the snap-snap of a picture of one of instagram account of West Kalimantan. Villa is named Villa Kelapa Dua.
Do not forget also if you visit a typical food tasting sambas.Suku Sambas Malay Sambas in West Kalimantan, has featured a spicy culinary tourists should be sampled. This is the Spicy Porridge Sambas, formerly spicy porridge is served in the kingdom, and a reflection of the strong culture in Malay kingdom Deli. Spicy porridge made from finely ground rice dioseng and rich in spices and vegetables, do not be surprised if this is rated a nutritious porridge. Vegetables such as kale, ferns, leaves kesum be a healthy mix. Not to mention the alloy plus fried peanuts fried dried anchovies add flavor.
so it was only last post this semester, and travel that I can recommend to friends who will visit Sambas. I Ghufron Mubarok if there is a mistake drafting the word and the wrong word sorry.


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